Scorpio Season Comes Early ~ 1 Sep 2023

Every year typically in the later months of the year, the Sun, Mercury and Venus transit the sign of Scorpio. These transits feed the fervor frenzy stirred late in the year by the holiday season, end of the year pressures and needing to pull rabbits out of hats to feel good about personal performance and annual accomplishments.

This year Mars and Ceres, two charged planetary powerhouses, add their energy to the Scorpio mix, which this year lasts until virtually the end of the year. With Ceres being the first “personal planet” to enter Scorpio in but a fortnight, full-on Scorpio season commences this year on 15 September. Additionally, the centaur Elatus and the dwarf planet Haumea soon enter Scorpio to enhance the mix. One more Scorpio thing, currently the asteroid Psyche ranges in Scorpio until 4 October.

Why do we care about Psyche? Astronomers have determined that if this asteroid could be mined, the value of the extracted materials would be worth more than the economy of our entire planet. Ah, so mining the psyche is unlimited in value? Then Psyche, who met up with her lover only in dreams, notes that dreams must be captured to experience full passionate bliss available in life? Roger and wilco on gleaning all that can be gleaned from the psyche.

Setting up Ceres in Scorpio was her recent conjunction with Haumea and the centaur Elatus in late Libra. This trifecta of a conjunction points out that when others get in the way and impede ones creative process, sufficient pushback must occur that affirms the absolute personal intention to use all ones’ skills and talents for the ultimate fulfillment in life, regardless if another person feels their share of time and attention from the creative sort may be reduced. Personal priority prevails during this collection of astrological notables, as it should.

This year during Scorpio season each of the planets transiting the sign enjoy the opportunities of oppositions to Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. These noted aspects permit plucking great happenstances from the sky or picking up on opportunities that figuratively drop in ones lap. Sure there will be other aspects, however, each of these personal planets to gaseous giants potentially packs a positive wallop. Each of these personal planet transits while in Scorpio reenforces ones absolute desires and makes all things for which one holds passion undeniable in scope.

Consider the following Scorpionic stimulations that occur before the year’s end and push a person to pursue those things that completely fill ones sails. Accompanying these transits: the feeling that there’s no time like now, all bets are off, anything is possible (with passionate pursuit), and the accomplishment of the deep soulful aspirations ensure a life feels fulfilled.

30 September Elatus enters Scorpio (remains in Scorpio nonstop until September 2029)

When others oppose your creative efforts, consider they feel threatened by your activities, assuming that somehow your engagement with your passion poses risk to them. Consider your inner critic and silence it by recalling that these things you feel you must do, you must do!

01 October Haumea enters Scorpio (constantly in Scorpio until February 2029, with back and forth in Sagittarius then occurring until October 2050)

Heighten all creative sensibilities and notice any persons who may encroach upon your creative claim. Protect your IP and all proprietary material. Then, be generous with the results and benefits of your creation. Fostering and nurturing freely benefits your soul.

11 October Mars enters Scorpio (until 24 November)

By virtue of co-rulership, Mars finds Scorpio cozy. If others find what you’re doing uncomfortable or too intense, they do not need to be included. You can solo this transit.

So fly solo for a few weeks if you must.

15 October Ceres opposes Jupiter in Taurus

To maximize this transit all your desires without limitation require soulful prioritization. Once you get that you can’t live without it (Actually, you can. You simply chose to live with it), state all proclamations with such emphasis and gumption. Declare how fulfillment of your deepest wishes contributes to your well-being and your ability to remain on the high road, thus benefitting all persons encountered and the planet too.

21 October Mercury enters Scorpio (until 10 November)

You’re likely to be the one in the room who says out loud what everyone is probably thinking and doesn’t dare say. Of course, shock will be the public reaction. Later, in private, others likely report how uncanny it is that you seem to know what and how they think. What’s uncanny is your ability to read the energy above the event and efforts by others to obfuscate.

23 October the Sun enters Scorpio (until 22 November)

The conscious attention filter applied to all living beings poses the reality of mortality, and more, how would one feel if they left this life unfulfilled. Considerations of karmic completion run strong, and such completion hinges upon pursued desires and passions and how such pursuits pan out for soulful development.

28 October Mars and Mercury oppose Jupiter in Taurus

This is one of two double planet dip days. The Scorpionic substrate supports just saying it because you won’t feel clear unless you do. And the substrate also notes that unless you do it, whatever it is, without limitation and psychological restrictions, you’ll never know how good it will feel to achieve life’s greatest objectives. Think and do big and full of everything you have.

02 November Sun opposes Jupiter in Taurus

The accompanying realization occurs only when some profound circumstance or opportunity shows up on your radar. Says the life traveler, “Wow! I never knew I wanted one of those” or “I never knew how magnificent it would all feel to be square in the center of this! Go for it as if there’s no tomorrow. There is no tomorrow... the dang thing keeps changing into today.

04 November Mercury and Ceres oppose Uranus in Taurus

Here’s the second of the double dip transit days. While you’re out there seeking soulful satisfaction, notice that some things about life get under your skin. Instead of being irritated and scornful, dive into the best cause to mitigate the life circumstances you find annoying. Do something about it. Should others align with your cause with total consciousness, they can be included, too. Work to point out that not resolving life paradoxes creates the state of psychological purgatory.

11 November Mars opposes Uranus in Taurus

It’s fine to realize you never thought you would ever do something like this... or that you’ve never done it before. Make sure such realizations do not stand in the way of doing. Engage, realizing that all new, start fresh agendas tend to create outcomes that exceed expectations. When beyond the beyond things occur, remember: You started and created this. Dive into the deep and savor.

13 November the Sun opposes Uranus in Taurus

Yeah, yeah the new year is but weeks ahead. So what did you accomplish this year? How’d those resolutions from last year settle in and did they stick? What things are you aware you must do differently, whether you emotionally want to or not. This is a time of emotional wraparound. If you know you’re going to get there and engage with this new life thing, work to make peace with it now. It’s not about things that are inevitable, it’s eventually evolving.

17 November a virtual conjunction of Sun, Ceres and Mars for four days

This Scorpio trinity shows up in ways that do not resonate within the concept of the holy trinity. People collectively express disappointment, anger and frustration with the lack of results in life. Okay, what are you going to do about those frustrations in your life? Figure it out what’s missing and engage with conjuring it up. When others notice and wonder how you did that, tell them you paid attention to everything environmentally in your realm real time, you pulled yourself up by psychic bootstraps and engaged without fear of what will come. Actually, the motivation comes from the fear of not finding satisfaction in life. Stating it on the flip side feels less scouring.

04 December Venus enters Scorpio (where she travels until 29 December)

Simply put, a person wants what they want. Substitutions need not apply. Back ordering and lay away is okay only if short term resolutions can be perceived. These ideas fit all realms of life from the hopelessly banal and mundane to the furthest extent of spiritual aspirations.

09 December Venus opposes Jupiter in Taurus

That annoying axiom that declares it “takes money to make money” prevails. The bottom line is: Do you want to spend money in the interest of fulfillment or not? How’s your assessment of cost versus benefit working out on this matter? If you really want it, truly, does the cost matter? After all, what’s the price of not feeling fulfillment and soulful satisfaction?

20 December Venus opposes Uranus in Taurus

Spontaneous and last-minute holiday shopping seems to be the thing. If you’re not sure if it’s needed or worth it a couple weeks ago, now the assessment can be trusted. Those who have busted their backside all year long stand in the spotlight when cosmic completions get handed out in time for savoring before years’ end. It is true that attainment of soulfully fulfilling objectives feels better and more unimaginable than ever imagined. That should be no surprise given the axle grease applied and with the passion of dogged determination.

29 December Venus departs Scorpio, Elatus and Haumea remain.

Scorpio season concludes. Still, though, the long term Scorpio players, the centaur Elatus and the dwarf planet Haumea remain.

Elatus was the centaur through whom a poisoned Herculean arrow passed. The deflected arrow struck Chiron, who had concocted the poison used on this arrow. Given his immortality, he could not die... he was left to suffer ironic pain... at least until Jupiter eventually intervened. To avoid such snafus on the path of fulfilling life’s greatest desires be aware that snares exist. Learn how snares disguise themselves. Avoid them at all costs. Focus on functioning in the mode of being in the right place and the right time. Shun those who gossip and meddle in meaningless ways. Set your sights on listening to the instincts that tell you to move along smartly and seek supportive energies that soothe your aura as you go. Turn so you enjoy following seas and smooth tailwinds.

Haumea possesses an uncanny ability to self heal and recreate any warped or damaged form to a state that appears even better than before. She is the psychic body shop that repairs your ego and soul from dents and dings achieved on the road of life. She musters your creative spirit and with her affinity for lava flow points out that deep within lies the surge that ultimately creates more foundation on earth... and subsequently in your life.

Savor the Scorpio season! This year it feels richer, more extravagant, more unpredictable and more rewarding. It feels that way because it is!

More soon.

Speaking of more soon, SkyScraping posts in September more on the schedule of when they can be created, not necessarily a weekly format. Still, you can use the links below to schedule a consultation or consultations, order a Galactic Report or ask a personal question for guidance by e-mail. Link clicking works especially well during Scorpio planet sailing.